Sunday, August 4, 2019

Professional Essay -- Teaching Education Careers Essays

Professional As people go through life, they most likely come upon a person who affects their life for the better, and sends them in the right direction. For some, however, they may never have a person who gives them this push, or perhaps someone had the opportunity to be that person who does the pushing, but does not. Many people have been propelled to success because of the care of another person. Some of these positive influences may include a parent, minister, or a friend. Though all three of these persons embody the needs of everybody from time to time, it is the teacher who connects these together and gives a person more that just an education. In every human’s life, they will come in direct contact with a teacher, whether it is in preschool or a jobsite. A teacher is what I have set out to be, to educate, to challenge, to push, to guide, and to nurture. The purpose of education is to prepare young people to leave the care of their parents, and build their own lives. The days of getting by with a high school diploma or just an elementary education are over. High school is only a stepping-stone to things much higher and harder, and there are many paths that students can choose from. I want my students not only to gain knowledge, but also to search with in themselves and find what they want to do, to give the students the push in the right direction to achieve their goals. Parents put their trust in teachers to prepare their children go on to bigger things; this is a responsibility that I take very seriously. I believe it is a profound injustice to a student to give them a half-hearted education and leave them behind others when they go out to compete in college or the workforce. I know the feeling of being ... ...t his long time placement. The ally that these organizations provide makes the job much easier knowing that someone is behind you. I would not want to work in any field without having the protection of an organization such as this in case something came up such as that. Looking over the last 15 years of my life, my teachers have been a great impact on my life both mentally and socially. In a rapid growing technological society, teachers are vastly needed to prepare students for the road ahead. I decided that I wanted to become a teacher so I can have an impact on someone else’s life as my teachers have done for me. Teaches bring a world of knowledge to an empty slate and push students to want more in life. Being a teacher, I will do my best to challenge my students to take the lessons that I teach and use them to make their lives the best that they can be.

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