Saturday, September 28, 2019

Content Comprehension and Analysis Task Assignment - 2

Content Comprehension and Analysis Task - Assignment Example The authors argue that with a diverse environment employees are able to learn and benefit from the uniqueness of others ideas. A myriad of businesses across the globe have appreciated and recognized the need to heavily invest in inclusion and diversity as part of talent management within the organization. It is an important concept as organizations can interact with people from different cultures, resulting to an upsurge in the level of creativity, global understanding, and productivity, and greater agility, development of new attitudes, new solutions and innovation that will lead to the growth of the company. Organizations that have not incorporated diversity as part of its talent management strategy have failed to attract the best skills across the globe. Some of the benefits of diversity include; (Yukl, 2002) Increased productivity – The inclusion of pe ople from diverse backgrounds working towards a common goal improves their level of loyalty. They employ peculiar skills to improve the performance of the company. Diverse experience-; People from different backgrounds bring unique understanding of concepts and experiences to the table. By bring the teams together; employees are able to deal with changing conditions. Every employee has a weakness and strengths derived from their cultural backgrounds, when managed properly their strengths can be leveraged and strengths can be complemented to enhance their performance. Increased creativity and problem solving- With a number of different unique and diverse minds, coming together, it is likely that solutions will be adopted since individuals bring unique way of thinking, operating and handling issues. (Yukl, 2002) Attract and retain talent- The attraction of the best employees to the organization will give it a competitive edge over others. The feeling f inclusion and appreciation enhances the feeling of belonging and loyalty to the organization. The

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