Thursday, October 31, 2019

Offenses Against the Public Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Offenses Against the Public - Assignment Example Introduction Lippman, (2010) defines bribery as the practice of receiving, offering, soliciting, and giving something of significance for purposes of influencing the act of an official in charge of his or her, legal public duties. It can also be said to be an illicit gain advantage. The Federal General Statute Bribery is responsible for punishing the bribery offenses in the United States. The law pertaining bribery punishes whomever indirectly or directly, offers, gives, or promises anything of worth to an officer in charge of public duties with an aim of influencing the official deed will be committing a bribery offence. In this regard, this paper aims at describing bribery as well as expounding on the laws that pertain to it. Question 1: Description of public trust crime (Bribery) Bribery can be described by a wide variety of conducts and in most cases; it is a crime that has a structure and white-collar situations. Some of the obvious bribery examples are release of an arrestee, a cquiring a contract of the government award and vote from a legislator on one’s bill. Scheb (2012) explains the traditional perception of the public servants by knowing the bribery potential in political parties’ ranks. Money is what comes to mind of many when bribes are requested or offered. There are many forms of bribes that are offered or sought. Therefore, bribe does not only include cash or its equals, but also intangible or tangible benefits as sexual favors, vehicles, homes vacation and other price benefits. Consequently, bribes can occur in a number of disguised or subtle ways like; selling of property for a smaller price than its worth value, where the main aim of the seller is to benefit the person who is purchasing property in order to influence his government official actions. Bribery is in white-collar crimes category because it is nonviolent and focuses on the social background of the person involved in the act. Lippman (2010) argues that White-collar cr ime is an illegal act which employs concealment and deceit rather than force application in order to obtain service, property or money. This is what bribery aims at; it does not involve any form of violence but rather takes an advantage to avoid loss or payment of cash in order to obtain a professional or business advantage. The bribery offenders occupy professions, responsibility positions, civil organizations, and government trusts. Bribery can also be described according to the form of its activity. For example, it has an advantage of seeking the attention to consumer and tax fraud as well as other offenses. Individuals who commit this crime are from various backgrounds socioeconomically. Another form of bribery as Scheb (2012) clarifies is commercial bribe which involves, offering or giving indirectly or directly, something of worth to an employee, private agent or fiduciary without the employer’s knowledge, in order to influence the employee’s or agent’s ac tions in relation to the affairs of the employer. Travel bribery is another form of bribery crime whereby; an individual decides to interstate or use facility with an aim of promoting, facilitating or establishing a promotion of any activities unlawfully is guilt of bribery crime. Conducting activities, which are unlawful, is therefore, bribery in the United States. Therefore, bribery as a crime includes many

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Business environment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business environment - Research Paper Example 1. Customers These are the main stakeholders in a business since goods and services are made in a way that their needs can be satisfied. They affect a business such that their needs form the basis of the business’ plan to make goods that satisfy these needs. Customers’ tastes and preferences are also key to the business such that as diverse as their tastes and preferences are, so does the business diversify its products. The business has control over the customers such that the business can influence the customers’ decisions through pricing, packaging and adding new features to products. 2. Employees Employees in an organisation are the very important. This is because the employees help the business management to be able to make products and provide services to its customers. They influence a business by providing the business with work force to undertake their operations. In a situation where the employees down their tools, the organisation is not able to provide any goods and services to its customers. However, the business has control over them by making policies, rules and regulations, attractive salaries and social welfare. If the business management uses such control, the employees of the organisation become effective. These are also stakeholders of a business, who provide a business with the raw materials or finished goods that the organisation needs to carry out its business. They affect the business by maintaining a supply chain of making goods available to the business as needed.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

File management

File management Developing a File Management System A filing system is developed by a good plan. Planning establishes direction and control it also ensures that everyone involved has a common understanding of purpose, goals and provides guidelines. Plan files in logical order- Assign responsibility Obtain support Collect information Analyze records Develop a filing system Implement system Train users Monitor implementation, follow up and revise system Assign Responsibility One person should be assigned the task for developing and coordinating a new filing system. This task usually falls to the person that is responsible for the documents. This may include Administration, Payroll/Financial Managers or Human Resource Manager. However there must be a Gatekeeper to control access to the information contained in the files. The Gatekeeper may implement the system or may supervise others in its implementation. The first step in developing or improving a filing system is to gain the support of the staff that will use the system. The support will legitimize the system and ensure the cooperation of all the office staff. Every member of the office must understand the purpose and scope of the project. Everyone should be involved in the process. The creator of a file may provide important insight useful during the analysis of the records. Office members can help determine which features or aspects of the present system work well and should be retained. Office members can also help identify specific problems within the present system that must be changed. Most importantly, involving others in the process makes them more amenable to using the system once it is implemented. Analyze Files Once files have been inventoried, they can be analyzed. Before a filing system can be designed, a thorough understanding of WHAT files are created, WHY they are created and HOW they are used is a necessity. An analysis begins with a careful consideration of the following questions: who creates the records who uses the records how often are various types of files used how long do files remain current how many people need access to the files which files are confidential are there legal requirements for retaining the files There are no set answers to these questions. Effective analysis requires that a common-sense approach be taken. The goal is to make a new system work, not just look good on paper. Analysis is the process of reviewing all information which has been collected, manipulating that information within the functional and operational requirements of the office, and then drawing conclusions. The most efficient and economical filing system is one that works well for the office and is easily understood by its users. Very often the simplest method is best. Final factors to bear in mind when establishing a filing system: ready identification and retrieval of individual files. Tools of File Analysis Classification is a tool of analysis. It is a method of sorting information into like groups. Identifying classification within the office and sorting files identified is the first step in the development of a filing system. The file classifications that are found in most offices are: Administrative files-document the internal administration and operation of an office Organizational files -document the relationship of an office with other offices and departments within Hogg Fuels Retention of Files A major consideration in the development of a filing system is the retention of the files. Retention schedules clearly state how long a file must legally be kept and whether the file is archival. Retention schedules also provide guidelines for moving files to inactive storage and for purging obsolete files. Managing correspondence and email Although correspondence may comprise only a small percentage of the total volume of files, it poses the most problems for many offices. Correspondence consists of unique documents which are often difficult to classify. Correspondence may consist of incoming and/or outgoing letters and memoranda. Classically, correspondence has been filed in chronological order. Retrieval depended on remembering the date of receipt or of transmittal. For many people this is very difficult. Information is rarely retrieved on the basis of occurrence. Email is similar to correspondence in many ways. Emails are sent or received based on date and time, not on content. This is one of the characteristics that make email so difficult to manage. Each email is different than the one sent before and will be different than the email sent after. Managing emails by date is rarely effective. Like correspondence, it is much easier to manage emails based on content or creator. Information is most commonly retrieved on the basis of content or creator. It is, therefore, most logical to file correspondence or email either by subject (with related information); by creator; by department from which it is received; or by department to which it is directed. It must be kept in mind that each office function is different, and it is necessary to tailor the management of correspondence files and email to respond to individual requirements. Completing the analysis Once the analysis is complete, a filing system can be developed. A filing system should be developed on paper before it is physically implemented. Folders should be sorted, on paper, into the appropriate classification. Within each classification files are sorted. Information without a specific retention period can be destroyed or should be managed separately. Unsolicited material can be destroyed. Arrangement Within each individual file they are arranged in an order best suited for rapid retrieval and disposition. The most common arrangements are: Alphabetic arranging records in alphabetical order is most helpful when records are retrieved by name or topic. However, it must be remembered that even the simplest alphabetic system requires establishing consistent and uniform filing standards. Chronological a chronological system is most useful for records that are created and monitored on a daily basis. Folders are arranged by sequential date order. It is, however, recommended that chronological filing be avoided. Retrieval can be slow and difficult as few people tend to remember dates accurately. The date of occurrence is rarely the basis for retrieval of information. Implement System There is no easy way to implement a new filing system. It is a very labor intensive task. If at all possible, it is recommended that the filing system be implemented in stages, by classificationone file at a time. Steps in the implementation process include: sorting paper files into classification assigning a physical location within the filing system to each classification re-labeling folders or creating folders to reflect the new file system if necessary, the purchase of new filing supplies/equipment Monitor implementation, follow-up and revise system After a test period meet with users to identify problems. Work with users to resolve inconsistencies and formulate implementable solutions. Written filing policies and procedures are useful tools which help ensure the success of the new system. Written policies should include: a brief statement describing the chosen system and its arrangement detailed procedures for the creation, maintenance, and purging of files procedures for the retrieval and re-filing of paper folders staff duties and responsibilities Written policies help ensure that the new system will be understood by all and will succeed. Filing Policy and Procedures Although many of the files we currently create may be electronic, we will always have to cope with paper files. This section includes basic information regarding the maintenance of active files. Processing information for filing check to see that the material is complete file the item in the front of folder if a folder does not exist, create a label for a new folder integrate the file into the system Sign-out Rules users check out folders, never individual documents Sign-out sheets are used to monitor the removal of the file Information on the sign-out sheet should include: file folder name borrower name date signed out date returned For convenience keep several sign out sheets in the front of each file drawer or on top of each file cabinet. For greater convenience, sign out sheets can be personalized for individual users. Sign out sheets personalized for an individual need only contain file folder title, date charged out, and date returned. (Appendix~1.0 Sample Sign-Out Sheet) Filing Supplies After determining a filing system for managing your paper records, it is important to choose appropriate supplies. Hanging folders Hanging folders are used to bring order to a drawer. They are effective only when used in the right circumstance. As hanging folders take up 1/3 of the available drawer space, they should be used only for files with high retrieval activity. Labels are used to facilitate identification of a folder and its contents. Visibility on the folder and use as a visual retrieval aid should be major considerations when choosing labels. Color coding is a method of identifying file folders within a filing system. Color, when used appropriately, can make misfiles visible at a glance, facilitate retrieval, and facilitate weeding and purging. Color is used as a visual aid to highlight a record series or the date. It can also be used to highlight a specific folder. Naming and Labeling Files For files, identification and labeling allows an office to maintain physical control over current files as well as manage growth of new files. When working with files two levels of file identification and labeling help simplify and facilitate filing and retrieval: drawer or shelf labels file folder labels

Friday, October 25, 2019

Transcendentalism and Ralph Waldo Emerson Essay -- History Historical

Transcendentalism and Ralph Waldo Emerson  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Transcendentalism was a literary movement that began in the beginning of the 1800’s and lasted up until the Civil War. Ralph Waldo Emerson was a man whose views on life and the universe were intriguing and influential. Emerson, along with other great men, helped to mold what Transcendentalism was and what it was to become. Without these men, Transcendentalism would not have been anything. Nor would these men have been anything without this concept. So what is Transcendentalism anyway and how have men’s thoughts and outlooks been able make it what it is remembered as?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Transcendentalism was prominent in the cultural life of the U.S., especially in New England from 1836 to until just before the Civil War. The Revolutionary war had ended shortly before the time of Transcendentalism; therefore, Emerson had been influenced by its affects and had shared his thoughts about war in his writings. At the age of twelve, Emerson wrote â€Å"Fair Peace and Triumph blooms on golden wings, and War no more pf all his victories sings† (â€Å"Way to Peace† 2). He viewed war as being unnecessary and in his eyes, the soul has no enemies and rises above all conflicts. He thought soldiers to be ridiculous and war to â€Å"Abhorrent to all reason† (â€Å"Way to Peace† 2), and against human progress. Basically he was against all war and his views on war were apparent in his writings. Even though he thought that the Civil War was good because it was trying to stop the evils of slavery, he detested the lack of freedom during t he war, and he vowed that if martial law came to Concord, that he would disobey it or move away. These events developed Transcendentalism though Emerson’s views and writings on war (â€Å"Way to Peace† 1-2).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Transcendentalism in America centered in Concord and Boston. The philosophy came from many different beliefs and people’s thoughts and outlooks. Emerson was a huge person whose beliefs greatly influenced how transcendentalism evolved. Around the year 0f 1836, a discussion group was formed in New England called the Transcendental Club. It met at various members’ houses and it included Emerson, Bronson Alcott, Frederick Henry Hedge, W. E. Channing and W. H. Channing, Theodore Parker, Margaret Fuller, Elizabeth Peabody, George Ripley, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Henry Thoreau, and Jones Very. From 1840 to 1844, a quarterl... ...ndentalists addressed were important for the people of that time to pay attention to, and end the corruption of war. Unfortunately, the transcendental movement, with its optimism about the indwelling divinity, self-sufficiency, and high potentialities of human nature, did not survive the crisis of the Civil War and its aftermath. The end of a great literary movement had arrived, but was the beginning of more to come (Abrams 217)?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Emerson’s Concord home and a picture of him. Works Cited Abrams, M.H. A Glossary of Literary Terms. Fort Worth: Harcourt Brau   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jovanovich College Publishers, 1985. â€Å"American Literary Movements: Transcendentalism.† Oct. 1999   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (10/5/99). â€Å"American Transcendentalism.â€Å"(1). Oct. 1999   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (10/6/99). â€Å"American Transcendentalism.â€Å" (2). May 2000 (5/29/00). â€Å"Biography of Emerson.† < http:/   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  whoisheohtm. â€Å"The Way to Peace.† Oct. 1999   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (10/5/99).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Beaches in the Algarve

Lagos boasts one of the biggest stretchaes of beaches in Europe—the Meia Praia. Situated halfway between the walk from Alvor to Lagos, its name was derived from â€Å"Meia† which means â€Å"half†. During the height of summer, Meia Praia offers tourists the opportunity to get way from the bustling crowds. It has sheltered beaches between the cliffs that offer some privacy, and has top-notch sporting facilities that have everything water sports aficionados might need. The lack of rock formations makes the Meia Praia ideal for various water activities.Because of Meia Praia’s width, its waters are generally calm, making it ideal for families with little children. Praia da Arrifana Praia da Arrifana is considered to be one of the more reasonably safe beaches for swimming, and is one of the best for family-friendly beaches near Aljezur. With its large, sandy beach and excellent facilities, it is ideal as a family getaway. Its open bay also offers great views of the sea and the surrounding vista. While Praia da Arrifana is a favorite among families during the high season, outside peak times, it is flocked by surfers, body boarders, and other water sports enthusiasts.Other activities include water-skiing and jet skiing. Praia da Bordeira Praia da Bordeira is a clam, quiet beach in the coast of Aljezur. It’s a great place for rest and relaxation—the beach is often deserted during low season and is less frequently visited than other beaches in the area during high season. With long sandy stretches of beach and plenty of sand dunes, Praia da Bordeira is suitable for long walks and exploring on foot. The beach can be reached by traveling north from Vila do Bispo, then going towards the sea after passing the small village of Carrapateira. Praia da CarriagemPraia da Carriagem is an isolated beach along the Costa Vicentina in the district of Aljezur. Unlike the surrounding beaches, it is not much frequented by people. It serves as a haven for nature lovers, as well as those wanting to explore coves, as well as nooks and crannies between cliffs. Praia da Carriagem is also an ideal place for enjoying some quiet time with activities like long walks and stargazing. Praia da Cordoama Praia da Cordoama in Costa Vicentina near Vila do Bispo Vila do Bispo is a wide, rugged stretch of beach situated in a huge bay surrounded by steep cliffs, with promontories along its sides.Its cliffs and promontories contribute to the steady wind quality, making it popular with surfers, paragliders, and other water sports enthusiasts. Praia da Dona Ana Probably the most popular beach on the Algarve, Praia da Dona Ana offers fantastic views of its rocks, cliffs, grottos, caves, and other natural formations. This small beach is located on â€Å"Golden Coast† of Lagos and is split in two by a cliff. The rock formations are breathtaking, stirring the imagination—rocks can take on various shapes like a gigantic ship, a Mayan t emple, and various animals, to name a few.One of the popular activities in this beach is touring cave and grottoes by boat. Praia da Falesia Praia da Falesia in the west of Vilamoura features long stretches of sandy beaches against a backdrop of ochre cliffs. It is sheltered by low cliffs, which provides some privacy and makes it an ideal spot to soak up the sun and sunbathe. These cliffs are tall enough to bar northern winds during the off-season, but not too tall to prevent easy access. Praia da Falesia could be reached from Vilamoura by traveling west toward Olhos de Agua. Praia da GalePraia da Gale in the west of Albufeira has a considerable stretch of beach that runs along the bay of Armacao de Pera up to town. It looks out to the Armacao de Pera bay and provides great views of the sea. Since Praia da Gale has no cliffs and rock formations, it is easily accessible by road on many points. One can go to the beach by automobile and can park nearby. Water sports enthusiasts also fr equent Praia da Gale—it is good spot for scuba diving, wind surfing, water-skiing, and jet skiing. Visibility under the water is remarkably high, providing the most ideal diving conditions.Praia da Ilha de Tavira-Mar Praia da Ilha de Tavira-Mar on the island of Tavira has busy, active beaches with an extended dune system. During the summer and peak seasons, cafes and water sports facilities abound. Dubbed as a â€Å"jewel† in the crown of Eastern Faro, the islands beaches are huge and breathtaking. Praia da Ilha de Tavira-Mar, in particular, is situated within a locally protected natural area. The Ilha de Tavira itself is a protected natural park and has campsites for nature lovers and nature exploration enthusiasts. It is suitable for tourists with an inclination for nature.Being a nature reserve however, tourism in the area is somewhat regulated. Regular ferries run by two ferryboat companies from the city of Tavira provide access to the island. Praia da Maina de Vil amoura Praia da Maina de Vilamoura in Loule features a wide stretch of sandy beach than runs from the marina of Vilamoura to the east, before reaching the small fishing port of the nearby Quarteira. Its excellent bay is well protected by rock plateaus and breakwaters, making it convenient and suitable for families with young children. Praia da Maria LuisaPraia da Maria Luisa is a small, sandy but also stony beach set in the backdrop of cliffs in the eastern side of Albufeira between Olhos d' Agua and Santa Eulalia. It is accessible from various villages and can serve as a good spot for strolling, long walks, and doing exercise. Praia da Luz Praia da Luz or â€Å"light beach† is a popular beach in the bustling tourist town of Luz in the city of Lagos. Its beaches are very busy during summer months. Praia da Luz is bordered by the Rocha Negra, which is a sheltered reef break on the eastern side of the beach.It boasts excellent water sports facilities and a well-equipped water s ports center. The waves are intermittent and are suited for surfing and water sports junkies looking for a challenge. Praia da Rocha Praia da Rocha or â€Å"beach of rocks† near Portimao is considered the best surfer’s beach in the south of Algarve, and is probably the oldest and most popular beach in the region. Like nearby Praia da Rocha, its waves are erratic and unpredictable, making it a hard but welcome challenge for surfers wanting to show their stuff.Though many tourists and beach-goers frequent it, it is so wide and spacious that there is plenty of room to stretch out. The beach features great stretches of sand on the seafront, and a tunnel on one end leads to narrower beaches set in a stunning backdrop of cliffs and rock formations. The latter part is sheltered by the tunnel and cliffs from the sun during afternoons. Praia da Oura Praia da Oura, beautifully located near the amusement quarter in the east of Albufeira, features a long sandy beach surrounded by rocks and rocky bays. This beach is popular with surfers and windsurfers alike, and is very busy during the summer season.Praia de Adegas Praia de Adegas is a beach located in the district of Aljezur. Access to this beach can be difficult, but is a popular destination for nature lovers and enthusiasts. This beach is within a protected area, and is one of the only five official naturist beaches in Portugal. Praia de Armacao de Pera Praia de Armacao de Pera in Lagos is a sandy beach near the Armacao de Pera tourist center promenade. It is very spacious and popular with families and is brimming with people (mainly locals and Portuguese) during weekends and the summer.Here, the breeze is light and the water is reasonably safe for swimming, particularly for children. Praia de Armona-Mar Located in an island between the towns of Olhao and Fuzeta, Praia de Armona-Mar is only accessible through ferryboats originating from the fishing port of Olhao. Ferries are frequent (they leave in 15 min ute intervals) so traveling to and from the island is fast and convenient. The beach is usually less populated and is only visited by a limited number of people. It is very peaceful and is great for a quiet, relaxing time. Praia de BurgauPraia de Burgau, situated in the town of Burgau in Vila do Bispo, may be small, but tourists frequently visit it during the summer months. Promontories such as hills go all around the beach so it is sheltered from the cold northern winds in this area of the Algarve. There is a small bar near the beach for those wanting to satisfy their thirst, and a boat and canoe rental shop nearby for visitors wishing to go a small, secluded beach west of Praia de Burgau. Praia de Faro Praia de Faro just about seven kilometers south of Faro airport, features a long, narrow stretch of sandy bar.Its sands are soft and the beach is wide and spacious. Beaches along the coast of Faro to Tavira are only accessible through ferry, but Praia de Faro is an exception in that it can be accessed through a small bridge on the sandbank. Being near a bustling urban town, it is usually busy; there are also plenty of restaurants and water sports facilities. The beach is in the warmest region in the mainland, with winter temperatures never going below 0? C. The summer temperature, however, seldom reaches 35? C. This nice, warm, and even weather makes it a popular spot during the summer months.Praia do Garrao Praia do Garrao is a large, beautiful sandy beach that features protected dunes. It is located between the chic and exclusive resort towns of Quinta do Lago and Vale do Lobo in Loule. The beach is readily accessible by road, but is also ideal for walking towards the Faro or Vilamoura directions. One section of the beach locally called â€Å"Julias† is popular for its excellent restaurants. Praia de Olhos d? Agua Praia de Olhos d? Agua is a small, but charming beach located in the new village of Olhos d? Agua in Albufeira. Rocks surround its small ba y.Local fishermen also use the bay and could often be seen getting their day’s catch. Excellent restaurants serving the local fare like fresh seafood dishes are also nearby. Praia de Vale de Lobo Vale do Lobo in Loule near Almancil boasts the beautiful sandy bays of Praia de Vale do Lobo. Flanked by small cliffs running along its length and its sides, the beach had to be constantly maintained by the holiday resort town of Vale do Lobo from shoreline erosion. Great endeavors, such as re-transplantation of sediments, are made to prevent the sea from eating up the shoreline. Praia de Vales dos HomensPraia de Vales dos Homens in the city of Aljezur is a small beach ideal for nature lovers. The beach is situated at the western coast near Rogil between Praia da Carriagem and Praia da Samouqueira, and is home to an interesting variety of flora and fauna, as well as a breathtaking array of marine life. It is in a relatively unpopulated area and is less frequented by tourists, making it a nice refuge for people looking to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Praia do Alvor Praia do Alvor is beautifully located in Alvor and borders the eastern half of the bay of Lagos.The beach has low dunes; but since there is almost no rock and cliff formations barring access, it can easily be reach from the road and from the village Alvor. Its long, sandy beaches are inviting for long, leisurely walks. This beach acts as a low sand bar, creating an interior lagoon that acts as a form of port for the old fishing village of Alvor. The waters are calm, which is great for families and children. The beach, which faces an open bay, is popular among windsurfers and kinds of water sports aficionados. Praia do AmadoPraia do Amado, located in Aljezur at the western coast, is a popular and very much sought-after spot for extreme sports by surfers and other water sports enthusiasts. The beach is lively and brims with people during the summer months, and little cafes overlookin g the beach are in the area. It is known in the surfing world for its strong, challenging currents, its roguish waves, and rock formations in places that get covered at high tide. Praia do Amado has already served as a venue of several local and international surf and body-boarding competitions.Praia do Barril The beach of Praia do Barril is an extension of Praia Ilha de Tavira on the island of Tavira. It is situated within the Ria Formosa Natural Park and features extensive sand dunes. Praia do Barril can be accessed via either a wooden bridge from the tourist villages of Santa Luzia and Pedras del Rey, or a small train that shuttles from Santa Luzia. The train ride running across the waters separating Praia do Barril and Praia Ilha de Tavira is slow and leisurely, giving visitors a chance to experience the island’s stunning view. Praia do CastelejoPraia do Castelejo is a sandy beach on the west coast of the Algarve, right on the rugged Costa Vicentia and just to the northwe st of Vila do Bispo. It has strong breakers and is thus a somewhat popular surfing spot. The beach has many water sports facilities and with all the equipment one needs for a session on the waves. Being a relatively small beach with an atmosphere drastically different from beaches on the southern coast, it might not be preferable to everyone, although there is a relatively high return rate among its visitors. This beach is also one of the safer ones on the west coast. Praia do MartinhalPraia do Martinhal is a large, flat sandy beach in the shallow Bay of Baleira and east of Sagres. It is located in the town of Vila do Bispo, with Ponta da Atalaia to its west. It is a good place to visit when in Sagres. It is conducive for contemplative walks, but is also very good for surfing. This beach is a favorite windsurfing spot for many. Praia do Vau The striking beach of Praia do Vau in the city of Portimao is a massive beach located at the far western end of Praia da Rocha’s seafront road, and is adjacent to the Praia da Rocha beach to the east end. The beach can be well-populated during the peak season, usually by locals.It is flanked by residential areas and is mostly managed by hotels nearby. It is easily accessible from the road and there is a car parking area nearby. Medium-rise cliffs at the beach’s far end provide shade during hot afternoons. Praia Verde Praia Verde situated in the west of Monte Gordo is a long, endless beach that stretches westwards towards Tavira. Its name â€Å"Verde†, which means â€Å"green†, was taken from the backdrop of plants and trees lining the side of the beach. It has great facilities ideal for most families and their children, and its waters are calm and safe for swimming.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Case Study on Cultural Differences Essay

Cultural differences can pose problems for health care workers. In the case of Linda Gorman, she is faced with the decision to report a woman for child abuse, or chalk it up to cultural differences. The question shouldn’t be whether or not she should report Mrs. Saeto, but rather, are Mrs. Saeto’s actions really considered child abuse? The answer to this can get muddled in cultural beliefs. For Americans, her actions qualify as abusive because Mrs. Saeto is unnecessarily causing harm to baby Marie by burning her. To the Mien culture, this is merely an act of protecting the child and curing her from an ailment. It really depends on what viewpoint one looks at it from. In the Mien culture, practices like this burning ritual are commonplace. The Mien culture believes in spirits and rituals that can cure ailments. To some outside of the culture, these practices may seem barbaric, but to them, some of American practices may seem barbaric as well. For example, Linda mentions the differences between burning a child and causing a child pain by giving them a shot. Both cause the baby to cry, and to both cultures, both are considered to be helping the baby stay healthy. To anyone outside of the American culture, American medical practices can potentially seem just as barbaric as burning a baby. This is directly related to cultural relativity, or â€Å"the view that practices and behaviors can be judged only by the cultural standards of the culture in which those practices occur,† (Hachen, n. d. ). According to David Hachen, â€Å"rejecting cultural relativity implies that there are universal standards by which the practices in all cultures can be evaluated,† (Hachen, n. . ). If Linda assumes that Mrs. Saeto’s beliefs are barbaric and should be reported, she is practicing ethnocentrism, or â€Å"the view that one’s own culture is the superior culture and therefore its standards are the ‘universal’ ones that should be used to judge behaviors in all cultures,† (Hachen, n. d. ). Linda needs to decide whether her practices and beliefs are superior to Mrs. Saeto’s, and therefore the standard by which to compare Mrs. Saeto’s actions. Should Linda find Mrs. Saeto’s actions unacceptable in the American culture, how should she proceed? Should she report Mrs. Saeto for child abuse, or should she confront her in the hopes to change Mrs. Saeto’s opinions concerning Mien cultural cures and medical practices? If Linda decides to confront Mrs. Saeto, she should probably explain to her that in America, most people would consider her actions abusive to baby Marie and that she should probably not continue to â€Å"cure† her in this manner. This poses another ethical dilemma. By imparting this knowledge to Mrs. Saeto, Linda is, in a sense, assimilating Mrs.  Saeto to American culture. How far is too far? If Mrs. Saeto gives up this practice, and similar ones, in order to not seem abusive to her American peers, what else will she have to give up from her culture? Linda’s best options for handling the situation are to talk to Mrs. Saeto and try to explain the dilemma to her. She should convey that she understands the cultural differences, but that if another doctor who does not understand sees the burns, it may be misconstrued as child abuse. She shouldn’t threaten Mrs.  Saeto with reporting her, but should rather allow Mrs. Saeto to see both sides of the story, as Linda is seeing them. Hopefully, this will allow Mrs. Saeto to make an educated decision in her own time, regarding the practices. Neither side is right, nor wrong, in this case, however, Mrs. Saeto must be made aware of the potential danger she could face by continuing her Mien practices in America, where the wrong person may see and not understand and make a rash decision that could harm Mrs. Saeto’s family in the long run.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Battle of Pea Ridge in the Civil War

Battle of Pea Ridge in the Civil War Battle of Pea Ridge - Conflict and Dates: The Battle of Pea Ridge was fought March 7-8, 1862, and was an early engagement of the American Civil War (1861-1865). Armies Commanders: Union Brigadier General Samuel R. Curtis10,500 men Confederate Major General Earl Van Dorn16,000 men Battle of Pea Ridge - Background: In the wake of the disaster at Wilsons Creek in August 1861, Union forces in Missouri were reorganized into the Army of the Southwest. Numbering around 10,500, this command was given to Brigadier General Samuel R. Curtis with orders to push the Confederates out of the state. Despite their victory, the Confederates also altered their command structure as Major General Sterling Price and Brigadier General Benjamin McCulloch had shown an unwillingness to cooperate. To keep the peace, Major General Earl Van Dorn was given command of the Military District of the Trans-Mississippi and oversight of the Army of the West. Pressing south into northwest Arkansas in early 1862, Curtis established his army in a strong position facing south along Little Sugar Creek. Expecting a Confederate attack from that direction, his men began emplacing artillery and fortifying their position. Moving north with 16,000 men, Van Dorn hoped to destroy Curtis force and open the way to capture St. Louis. Eager to destroy outlying Union garrisons near Curtis base at Little Sugar Creek, Van Dorn led his men on a three-day forced march through severe winter weather. Battle of Pea Ridge - Moving to Attack: Reaching Bentonville, they failed to capture a Union force under Brigadier General Franz Sigel on March 6. Though his men were exhausted and he had outrun his supply train, Van Dorn began formulating an ambitious plan to assault Curtis army. Dividing his army in two, Van Dorn intended to march north of the Union position and strike Curtis from the rear on March 7. Van Dorn planned to lead one column east along a road known as the Bentonville Detour which ran along the north edge of Pea Ridge. After clearing the ridge they would turn south along the Telegraph Road and occupy the area around Elkhorn Tavern. Battle of Pea Ridge - McCullochs Defeat: The other column, led by McCulloch, was to skirt the western edge of Pea Ridge then turn east to join with Van Dorn and Price at the tavern. Reunited, the combined Confederate force would attack south to strike at the rear of the Union lines along Little Sugar Creek. While Curtis did not anticipate this type of envelopment, he did take the precaution of having trees felled across the Bentonville Detour. Delays slowed both Confederate columns and by dawn, Union scouts had detected both threats. Though still believing that Van Dorns main body was to the south, Curtis began shifting troops to block the threats. Due to the delays, Van Dorn issued instructions for McCulloch to reach Elkhorn by taking the Ford Road from Twelve Corner Church. As McCullochs men marched along the road, they encountered Union troops near the village of Leetown. Dispatched by Curtis, this was a mixed infantry-cavalry force led by Colonel Peter J. Osterhaus. Though badly outnumbered, the Union troops immediately attacked around 11:30 AM. Wheeling his men south, McCulloch counterattacked and pushed Osterhaus men back through a belt of timber. Reconnoitering the enemy lines, McCulloch encountered a group of Union skirmishers and was killed. As confusion began to reign in the Confederate lines, McCullochs second-in-command, Brigadier General James McIntosh, led a charge forward and was also killed. Unaware that he was now the senior officer on the field, Colonel Louis HÃ ©bert attacked on the Confederate left, while the regiments on the right remained in place awaiting orders. This assault was halted by the timely arrival of a Union division under Colonel Jefferson C. Davis. Though outnumbered, they turned the tables on the Southerners and captured HÃ ©bert later in the afternoon. With confusion in the ranks, Brigadier General Albert Pike assumed command around 3:00 (shortly before HÃ ©berts capture) and led those troops near him in a retreat north. Several hours later, with Colonel Elkanah Greer in command, many of these troops joined rest of the army at Cross Timber Hollow near Elkhorn Tavern. On the other side of the battlefield, fighting began around 9:30 when the lead elements of Van Dorns column encountered Union infantry in Cross Timber Hollow. Sent north by Curtis, Colonel Grenville Dodges brigade of Colonel Eugene Carrs 4th Division soon moved into a blocking position. Battle of Pea Ridge - Van Dorn Held: Rather than pressing forward and overwhelming Dodges small command, Van Dorn and Price paused to fully deploy their troops. Over the next several hours, Dodge was able to hold his position and was reinforced at 12:30 by a Colonel William Vandevers brigade. Ordered forward by Carr, Vandevers men attacked the Confederate lines but were forced back. As the afternoon wore on, Curtis continued to funnel units into the battle near Elkhorn, but Union troops were slowly pushed back. At 4:30, the Union position began to collapse and Carrs men retreated back past the tavern to Ruddicks Field about a quarter mile to the south. Reinforcing this line, Curtis ordered a counterattack but it was halted due to darkness. As both sides endured a cold night, Curtis busily shifted the bulk of his army to the Elkhorn line and had his men resupplied. Reinforced by the remnants of McCullochs division, Van Dorn prepared to renew the assault in the morning. Early in the morning, Brigadier Franz Sigel, Curtis second-in-command, instructed Osterhaus to survey the farmland to the west of Elkhorn. In doing do, the colonel located a knoll from which Union artillery could strike the Confederate lines. Quickly moving 21 guns to the hill, Union gunners opened fire after 8:00 AM and drove back their Confederate counterparts before shifting their fire to the Southern infantry. As Union troops moved into attack positions around 9:30, Van Dorn was horrified to learn that his supply train and reserve artillery was six hours away due to a mistaken order. Realizing he could not win, Van Dorn began retreating east along the Huntsville Road. At 10:30, with the Confederates beginning to leave the field, Sigel led the Union left forward. Driving the Confederates back, they retook the area near the tavern around noon. With the last of the enemy retreating, the battle came to an end. Battle of Pea Ridge - Aftermath: The Battle of Pea Ridge cost the Confederates approximately 2,000 casualties, while the Union suffered 203 killed, 980 wounded, and 201 missing. The victory effectively secured Missouri for the Union cause and ended the Confederate threat to the state. Pressing on, Curtis succeeded in taking Helena, AR in July. The Battle of Pea Ridge was one of the few battles where Confederate troops possessed a significant numerical advantage over the Union. Selected Sources CWSAC Battle Summaries: Battle of Pea RidgePea Ridge National Military ParkBattle of Pea Ridge Maps

Monday, October 21, 2019

Battle of Valmy in the French Revolutionary Wars

Battle of Valmy in the French Revolutionary Wars The Battle of Valmy was fought September 20, 1792, during the War of the First Coalition (1792-1797). Armies and Commanders French General Charles Franà §ois DumouriezGeneral Franà §ois Christophe Kellermann47,000 men Allies Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick35,000 men Background As revolutionary fervor wracked Paris in 1792, the Assembly moved towards conflict with Austria. Declaring war on April 20, French revolutionary forces advanced into the Austrian Netherlands (Belgium). Through May and June these efforts were easily repulsed by the Austrians, with the French troops panicking and fleeing in the face of even minor opposition. While the French floundered, an anti-revolutionary alliance came together consisting of forces from Prussia and Austria, as well as French à ©migrà ©s. Gathering at Coblenz, this force was led by Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick. Considered one of the best generals of the day, Brunswick was accompanied by the King of Prussia, Frederick William II. Advancing slowly, Brunswick was supported to the north by an Austrian force led by the Count von Clerfayt and to the south by Prussian troops under Fà ¼rst zu Hohenlohe-Kirchberg. Crossing the frontier, he captured Longwy on August 23 before advancing to take Verdun on September 2. With these victories, the road to Paris was effectively open. Due to revolutionary upheaval, the organization and command of the French forces in the area were in flux for most of the month. This period of transition finally ended with the appointment of General Charles Dumouriez to lead the Armà ©e du Nord on August 18 and the selection of General Franà §ois Kellermann to command the Armà ©e du Centre on August 27. With the high command settled, Paris directed Dumouriez to halt Brunswicks advance. Though Brunswick had broken through the fortifications of the French frontier, he was still faced with passing through the broken hills and forests of the Argonne. Assessing the situation, Dumouriez elected to use this favorable terrain to block the enemy. Defending the Argonne Understanding that the enemy was moving slowly, Dumouriez raced south to block the five passes through the Argonne. General Arthur Dillon was ordered to secure the two southern passes at Lachalade and les Islettes. Meanwhile, Dumouriez and his main force marched to occupy Grandprà © and Croix-aux-Bois. A smaller French force moved in from the west to hold the northern pass at le Chesne. Pushing west from Verdun, Brunswick was surprised to find fortified French troops at les Islettes on September 5. Unwilling to conduct a frontal assault, he directed Hohenlohe to pressure the pass while he took the army to Grandprà ©. Meanwhile, Clerfayt, who had advanced from Stenay, found only light French resistance at Croix-aux Bois. Driving off the enemy, the Austrians secured the area and defeated a French counterattack on September 14. The loss of the pass forced Dumouriez to abandon Grandprà ©. Rather than retreat west, he elected to hold the southern two passes and assumed a new position to the south. By doing so, he kept the enemys forces divided and remained a threat should Brunswick attempt a dash on Paris. As Brunswick was forced to pause for supplies, Dumouriez had time to establish a new position near Sainte-Menehould. The Battle of Valmy With Brunswick advancing through Grandprà © and descending on this new position from the north and west, Dumouriez rallied all of his available forces to Sainte-Menehould. On September 19, he was reinforced by additional troops from his army as well as by the arrival of Kellermann with men from the Army du Centre. That night, Kellermann decided to shift his position east the next morning. The terrain in the area was open and possessed three areas of raised ground. The first was located near the road intersection at la Lune while the next was to the northwest. Topped by a windmill, this ridge was situated near the village of Valmy and flanked by another set of heights to the north known as Mont Yvron. As Kellermanns men began their movement early on September 20, Prussian columns were sighted to the west. Quickly setting up a battery at la Lune, French troops attempted to hold the heights but were driven back. This action did buy Kellermann sufficient time to deploy his main body on the ridge near the windmill. Here they were aided by Brigadier General Henri Stengels men from Dumouriezs army who shifted north to hold Mont Yvron. Despite the presence of his army, Dumouriez could offer little direct support to Kellermann as his compatriot had deployed across his front rather than on his flank. The situation was further complicated by the presence of a marsh between the two forces. Unable to play a direct role in the fighting, Dumouriez detached units to support Kellermanns flanks as well as to raid into the Allied rear. The morning fog plagued operations but, by midday, it had cleared allowing the two sides to see the opposing lines with the Prussians on the la Lune ridge and the French around the windmill and Mont Yvron. Believing that the French would flee as they had in other recent actions, the Allies began an artillery bombardment in preparation for an assault. This was met by return fire from the French guns. The elite arm of the French army, the artillery, had retained a higher percentage of its pre-Revolution officer corps. Peaking around 1 PM, the artillery duel inflicted little damage due to the long distance (approx. 2,600 yards) between the lines. Despite this, it had a strong impact on Brunswick who saw that the French were not going to break easily and that any advance across the open field between the ridges would suffer heavy losses. Though not in a position to absorb heavy losses, Brunswick still ordered three assault columns formed to test the French resolve. Directing his men forward, he halted the assault when it had moved around 200 paces after seeing that the French were not going to retreat. Rallied by Kellermann they were chanting Vive la nation! Around 2 PM, another effort was made after artillery fire detonated three caissons in the French lines. As before, this advance was halted before it reached Kellermanns men. The battle remained a stalemate until around 4 PM when Brunswick called a council of war and declared, We do not fight here. Aftermath of Valmy Due to the nature of the fighting at Valmy, the casualties were relatively light with the Allied suffering 164 killed and wounded and the French around 300. Though criticized for not pressing the attack, Brunswick was not in a position to win a bloody victory and still be able to continue the campaign. Following the battle, Kellermann fell back to a more favorable position and the two sides began negotiations regarding political issues. These proved fruitless and the French forces began extending their lines around the Allies. Finally, on September 30, Brunswick had little choice but to begin retreating towards the border. Though the casualties were light, Valmy rates as one of the most important battles in history due to the context in which it was fought. The French victory effectively preserved the Revolution and prevented outside powers from either crushing it or forcing it to even greater extremes. The next day, the French monarchy was abolished and on September 22 the First French Republic declared. Sources: History of War: Battle of ValmyBattle of Valmy

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Barn Burning And Aandp Rite Of Passage

Journeies By Young Men Essay, Research Paper Rite of Passage: Journeies by Young Men The glorification of the state rests in the character of her work forces. And character comes from boyhood. Therefore every male child is a challenge to his seniors. Herbert Hoover Obtaining rite of transition can take topographic point anyplace from childhood upward into the mid-twentiess or even mid-thirtiess, but is most normally under-taken in the late adolescent old ages. In the short narratives A A ; P by John Updike, and Barn Burning by William Faulkner, the elements of inflexible societal systems, grownup regulations and authorization illustrates how a twosome of immature work forces make their grade on society by traveling against the grain in order to gain their rite of transition. Updike s narrative takes topographic point in a food market shop located in the centre of a really conservative New England community. Much like the little town, the A A ; P food market shop observes inflexible societal systems such as proper shopping etiquette and appropriate frock codification. The normal clients, houseslaves and sheep as referred to by Sammy, baulk at the audaciousness of the immature misss entire neglect for proper frock codification and normal traffic flow of the aisles. Sammy, on the other manus, is enamored by the immature misss and sees nil incorrect with their apparels, even though he understands their pick of vesture is non appropriate harmonizing to shop policy. Furthermore, Sammy is amused and entertained by the misss jokes of resiling around the shop like pinballs. Ultimately, Sammy s broad point of view on the state of affairs leads to his determination to support both his and the misss beliefs by symbolically flinging his compulsory garb of waistcoat and bow tie. Sammy realizes that he feels so strongly about the state of affairs that he sacrifices his occupation in order to turn out his point and back up his beliefs. In making so he inquiries adult regulations and authorization by standing up to Lengal and saying, I quit, and You didn Ts have to abash them. Lengal, as an older solid citizen and figure of authorization, lectures Sammy on his error after he retorts, It was they who were abashing us. Lengal so finds it prudent to affect other authorization figures in Sammy s life by saying, Sammy, you don t privation to make this to your Mom and Dad with an extra kicker of You ll experience this for the remainder of your life. Sammy knows that both statements from Lengal are true ; nevertheless he feels it necessary to transport out what he has started. At this point Sammy merely turns off from Lengal and saunters outdoors. Faulkner s narrative takes topographic point in early twentieth century deep South. The Snopes are forced to travel invariably due to Abner s refusal to collaborate with society. In consequence, Abner has isolated his household and enforces their obedient following by ordaining rigorous subject and expects them to transport out his every want and demand. At the first mark of incompliance Abner is speedy to impart a stiff manus of rectification to the faulting household member. Unfortunately, the lone household member that falls into this class is the 10 twelvemonth old Sarty. Sarty urgently wants to delight his male parent ; nevertheless he finds himself in a predicament between bash ing what he believes is morally right and his sensed duty to be loyal to his male parent. In the test against his male parent for the burned barn, Sarty is faced with taking trueness to his male parent or stating the truth as he believes. Sarty s ideas during the test are reflected our enemy he thought in that desperation ; ourn! Mine and hisn both! He s my male parent! [ sic ] Abner has evidently prepared his boy before the test. Sarty is fighting to convert himself that his male parent s side is right. However, at this point, he decides to side with his male parent even though he sees the wrong in making so. He aims for me to lie. [ a ] neodymium I will hold to make hit. [ sic ] Sarty can t travel against his male parent and face the evident wrath that will follow. After the test and half manner through another move, Abner has a talk with his boy and provinces You were repairing to state them. You would hold told him. Your acquiring to be a adult male. You got to larn. You got to l arn to lodge to your ain blood or you ain t traveling to hold any blood to lodge to you. As the narrative progresses, Abner is about to ship on yet another barn-burning incident. He is fixing to go forth his house and orders his married woman to keep onto Sarty. Abner is fearful that Sarty will follow him and alarm the proprietors. Sarty, desperate to halt his male parent, conveys his feelings Ain T you traveling to even direct a nigga? He cried. At least you sent a nigga before! Abner contemplates binding him up but settees for his married woman keeping on to him. Finally, Sarty interruptions free from his female parents grasp and hastes to alarm the new victims. Sarty has eventually decided to stand up for what he believes to be right and merely. After he notifies DeSpain he bolts from the house and continues running off from the scene. He hears a shooting followed by two more ; he stops running long plenty to shout Pap! Pap! He resumes running, inadvertently, and decides to run as far off as he can while he sobs Father! Father! In both narratives the immature work forces recognize the exact point where they have eventually made a scruples determination to stay by their ain beliefs and ethical motives, therefore obtaining their single topographic point in society for better or worse. With Sammy go forthing the A A ; P and looking back in, he sees Lengal in his old topographic point look intoing through the sheep. His tummy falls as he imagines how difficult the universe will be to him hereinafter. Likewise, Sarty eventually tires from running and sits to reflect on what had merely taken topographic point and realizes the magnitude of his actions and knows he can neer return. Sarty thinks about the difficult life in the hereafter in front but can t aid feeling relieved for interrupting the ironss of bondage that were emplaced on him by his male parent. The delicate dance from childhood to manhood is undertaken and seen in all civilizations and walks of life. Some passages are of greater magnitude than others. But, all transmutations stem from a scruples determination to do a base on what is believed to be of import and right. In both illustrations the immature work forces have rebelled against the inflexible societal systems that surrounded them thereby gaining their rite of transition into manhood. The lone autocrat I accept in this universe is the still voice within. Mahatma Gandhi

Friday, October 18, 2019

UK Food Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words - 1

UK Food Industry - Essay Example Obesity can be fuelled by excessive consumption of high-fat food, genetic predisposition, and lack of physical exercise. However, several parties play a role in causing obesity in a certain population. For instance, both the government and business firms determine what type of food the population eats, any unhealthy food with high fat and sugar content will definitely cause obesity (Parkin & Boyd, 2011). This paper seeks to expound on the childhood obesity in the United Kingdom, with a close analysis on the food industry’s corporate social responsibility, focusing on MacDonald restaurants and the role they have played in combating childhood obesity. In the UK, obesity has been declared a crisis since its population is gradually turning obese. For example, a research conducted in 2007 revealed that nearly 25% of all adults were obese. The figure steadily increased in 2012 with 37% of all adults in the UK being obese. This trend seems to escalate so quickly that it is estimated that by 2025 nearly 40% of Britons will be obese with the Body Mass Index greater than 30kg/M ². The figure is even reaching Biblical proportions by 2050 with the speculations of obesity affecting 60% of adult men and 50% of adult females (ParliÅ„ska, A, & Rembielak, 2014). The Foresight Report of 2007 exposed causes of obesity among the UK’s population. These causes were broadly categorized into four groups, the social influences that entail individual habits and psychology, the activity environment focusing of individual’s physical activity practices, biology which basically means the genetic predisposition to obesity and food environment that sums up all types of food consumed as well as their caloric and fat content. Each of these factors plays a role in causing obesity in the UK but the most adamant one is the food environment. Obesity easily becomes a crisis because it is associated with other medical conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, arthritis etc.

English Speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

English Speech - Essay Example But despite that swearing has always been an inseparable part of our culture, and most others for that matter, so even those of us who would wish to ban swearing as such will likely have to come to terms with its existence while man exists. So, on ground of this, let us take a closer look at the phenomenon of swearing and its place within our and other cultures. We start with defining this term. Swearing is normally understood as a profane expression through usage of a word or phrase normally associated with indecency. At the same time, quite ironically, swearing once signified telling the truth by making an oath. At this point we can immediately see how both those definitions of swearing combine in the real life and give us a better hand at defining what swearing actually is - a formally obscene verbal expression, which nevertheless may uncover a truth about our feelings as far as it conveys our emotions. Therefore, swearing clearly belongs to a group of cultural habits of a given s ociety, and different societies allow for a varying degree of freedom of expression of its members. However, it is here that the real difficulty may arise because in the modern globalized world, where we often communicate with representatives of other cultural traditions, cultural diversity creates potential for confusion due to the differences in attitudes to swearing and to the existence of different forms of swearing. For instance, you should always keep in mind that if you call a Chinese person a turtle, which is maybe not the most pleasant comparison for people in our society but still definitely not an insulting one, then you may become his or her worst enemy, because this innocuous creature represents one of the worst offences in China. Or, speaking about a much closer to us British culture, using the word 'bugger,' acceptable in the United States, would cast a shadow on your politeness as you would be understood as talking about a sodomite. If you were to live before 1934 you could even be imprisoned for uttering this word (Bryson 1991, p.224). And, as we have mentioned the history of attitudes to swearing, it must be noted that we are quite lucky today that we have a relative freedom of expression, because in the nineteenth century there were such intense attempts to clear out English of swearing that even some traditional words from the old English were being changed, like transformation of 'titbit' into 'tidbit' (Bryson 1991, p.221). So, as we can see, the phenomenon of swearing went as far as even modifying our language. But what fuels the mentioned longevity of the presence of swearing as seemingly unavoidable cultural trait of most societies is its arguably positive ability to serve as a channel through which we may relieve our feelings. Ironically, the very forbidden status of profane words and expressions makes them very emotive, which then perpetuates their forbidden status. And what works is normally extensively used, therefore most people from time to time express their anger, dissatisfaction, or other impulsive emotion with the help of swearing, which, paradoxically, sometimes is sufficient to dismiss the cause of our vexation as a thing of the past. Of course, this does not concern damnable, sorry for this term, cases when some people are so accustomed to swearing that it constitutes a large part of their language. After all, to turn our mother tongue into a continual swearing would mean to strip swearing of the large part of its power. The

Corporate Reputation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words - 2

Corporate Reputation - Assignment Example Thus, corporate reputation is rooted in the following three intertwined aspects including the existent company values (as exemplified by the company/ organizational culture), the entity’s services and products offered, and the overall coexistence and interpersonal relationships existent in the entity’s employee base. In addition, pertinent procedures and processes, which aid in the smooth running of the business, are vital. Overall, corporate reputation rests on the existent industry legislation/regulations, the influencers, who include labor/trade unions and bodies, in addition to, the very influential media and press, regional and national influence (in the form of government action and taxation, in addition to, existent professional advisors), and the overall existent industry structure. This encompasses existent competitors, suppliers, new business entities and most importantly the customer/ consumer base. Internally, the employee base, following a set of procedures (company rules and regulations) in addition to the entity’s products and services, combines to represent the entity’s corporate reputation (Boyd, 2010, p. 67). As Lee and Roh (2012: 649) posit, corporate reputation is considered as an intangible quality, which aids in the differentiation of a specific business entity from other existent entities. This is in addition to its attraction and hence retention of customers towards not only purchasing, but also repurchasing of its goods/ products and services, with a willingness towards paying more (premium prices) for the same. Hence, the presence of high corporate reputation, being vital to an entity’s value, in addition to being a critical measure of performance, acts as a cost-saving mechanism of entities. It functions as a mechanism, which aids in the decrease of overall consumer uncertainty through an increase in customer satisfaction, the existent customer base, and wholesome marketing effectiveness. In business entities possessing such a quality, its employees are often more competent, hence the need for contracting measures in addition to monitoring expenses and costs.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Using Popular Culture in the Classroom Dissertation

Using Popular Culture in the Classroom - Dissertation Example The exploration of new techniques and methods is always on the educational horizon. The promise of the future has not eliminated the need for a refinement and validation of existing practices. In fact, modern technologies have allowed for a greater level of access to a variety of media and have increased the capabilities of the average educator. According to Jackie Marsh and Millard 2000, popular culture is a phrase which can be applied to a cultural text which are popular and attractive for majority of children around the globe. Popular culture has a vast variety of material which are attractive for children like bags, games, stationeries, shoes, character toys etc. This not only helps a child to get a better understanding but also encourages an educator to bring in new ideas to motivate young minds. Popular culture is first applied as a test drive but it proved to be an excellent motivational idea. In this era, where technologies and media power has no boundaries has an impact on c hildren. Animations of different strong characters, fairyland and wonderlands have made it easier for children to imagine and fit in a particular character. In early childhood education, it is observed that a child learns whatever is been taught to them, but it becomes easier for them to adapt and practice if popular culture is used while teaching. Use of PSPs , PS2, Nintendo’s and play stations for playing different animated games sharpen their reflexes and their cognitive power. In Early childhood education, Rhymes and songs were introduced to make a child learn colors, shapes and simple concepts while playing, singing and role-plays. Popular culture should be adopted by parents, guardians and educators not only school but also in the outside world, this idea is perceived from a theory of Jackie Marsh 2009 that popular culture should be applied in schools and outside both, which clearly refers to home. Popular Culture is adapted by different practitioners where some of them came up with a different feedback. According to their experience, the change which occurred in a child after the implementation of popular culture in the early education is the glamorization of violence and adds cheapness to the value of education. It encourages a child to praise the material things which blurred the essence of education of being good to every individual regardless of color creed or status.

An Employee Refusal to Work Overtime Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

An Employee Refusal to Work Overtime - Case Study Example In this case a company has increased the number of working hours of an employee named Gryzmisk to six hours and he has refused to accept the increase in hours and in turn the supervisor has sanctioned him to a 1 day suspension. The acceptance and rejection of the offer of increase in hours of work is dependent on mutual agreement between the employer and the employee. The employee has obtained assistance from the union and the union is backing him up in this case. During the negotiations between the union and the company the company has said that the increase in number of hours cannot be changed because it is for a specific period of time. As an arbitrator I would have provided a solution that is best in the interest of the company as well as the employee. First I would have negotiated with the employee that the extra hours are essential for the growth of the company and in turn it would even benefit the employee in the long run as these extra hours would add to the productivity of the organization and would help in the growth of the organization which will eventually help the employee. On the other hand I would have negotiated with the employers for additional benefits in the short run and in the long run for the employee. In the short run I would have asked the employers to not only pay the per hour rate to the employee, I would have asked the employer to increase the per hour rate for each extra hour worked by the employee. Secondly, I would have asked the employers to provide him certain bonus or promotion.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Discuss the causes and effects of cancer. To what extent is cancer Essay

Discuss the causes and effects of cancer. To what extent is cancer prevention the individual's responsibility Provide researc - Essay Example Statistics indicate that in 2007, cancer led to the death of about 7.6 million people in the world Main Body Paragraphs 1 Topic What are the causes of cancer? Topic sentence The main causes of cancer are genetic factors, tobacco, exposure to radiations, physical inactivity, and unhealthy diets Development points When DNA in a gene is damaged or undergoes mutation, the gene may also get damaged thereby affecting cell division negatively. Cancer may also affect an individual due to a genetic predisposition that is inherited from members of the family. Tobacco smoking is commonly associated with pancreas, stomach, kidney, and lung cancer. Exposure to radiations (ionizing and non-ionizing) can cause cancer in different pats of the body. Studies have shown that between 30 and 35 percent of cancer deaths are related to obesity, diet, and sedentary lifestyle or physical inactivity Concluding Sentence There are several causes of cancer. There are also factors that increase the risk of having cancer. Main Body Paragraphs 2 Topic Effects of Cancer Topic sentence There are several negative effects of cancer Death Pain Side effects of treatment Loss of livelihoods Development points: Cancer is a leading cause of deaths across the world. ... mouth cancer, lung cancer, and liver cancer can be prevented by avoiding the smoking of tobacco and consumption of alcohol Skin cancer on the other hand can be prevented by avoiding exposure to the sun’s rays Avoid contact with radiations and carcinogens Eat diet rich in whole grains, vegetables, and fresh fruits and low in salt and fat Get vaccination Exercise the body regularly Concluding Sentence Prevention of cancer is closely related to its causes. Individuals have a responsibility to play in preventing cancer attacks in their body Conclusion Topic sentence In conclusion Summary points: Cancer is a group of deadly diseases that kill many There are more than 100 different types of cancers The main causes of cancer include radiations, unhealthy diet, genetic predisposition, and physical inactivity. Cancer can be prevented by engaging in physical exercises, eating healthy diets, avoiding radiations, tobacco, alcohol and other caseinogens. Individuals play a big role in preve nting cancer infections Causes and Effects of Cancer Introduction Cancer is a wide group of ailments characterized by uncontrolled cell growth. Cancer causes harm to the body when cells that are damaged divide without regulation to form tumors (with the exception of leukemia). A tumor can develop to the point of interfering with the circulatory, nervous or digestive systems according to Medical News Today (2013). They can also harm the body by releasing hormones that change body functions. When a tumor stays in one location and grows to a limited extent, it is often considered to be benign. Malignant tumors which are more dangerous form either when cancerous cells invade and destroy healthy tissues as they move though the body via the nymph systems or blood, or when they divide and develop to a

An Employee Refusal to Work Overtime Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

An Employee Refusal to Work Overtime - Case Study Example In this case a company has increased the number of working hours of an employee named Gryzmisk to six hours and he has refused to accept the increase in hours and in turn the supervisor has sanctioned him to a 1 day suspension. The acceptance and rejection of the offer of increase in hours of work is dependent on mutual agreement between the employer and the employee. The employee has obtained assistance from the union and the union is backing him up in this case. During the negotiations between the union and the company the company has said that the increase in number of hours cannot be changed because it is for a specific period of time. As an arbitrator I would have provided a solution that is best in the interest of the company as well as the employee. First I would have negotiated with the employee that the extra hours are essential for the growth of the company and in turn it would even benefit the employee in the long run as these extra hours would add to the productivity of the organization and would help in the growth of the organization which will eventually help the employee. On the other hand I would have negotiated with the employers for additional benefits in the short run and in the long run for the employee. In the short run I would have asked the employers to not only pay the per hour rate to the employee, I would have asked the employer to increase the per hour rate for each extra hour worked by the employee. Secondly, I would have asked the employers to provide him certain bonus or promotion.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Market Structures Essay Example for Free

Market Structures Essay Each market structure plays a significant role in the economy. Markets are categorized according to the structure of each industry serving the market. Three of the basic market structures include competitive markets, monopolies, and oligopolies. These differ due to the different number of strength of buyers and sellers and also the level of collusion between them. There are stages of competition and magnitude of the difference in products. When there are many buyers and sellers of a product then neither firms are able influence prices, therefore making it competitive. In competitive markets there are not restraints on firms going in and out of the market and buyers can purchase the same product or products from many sellers and get the same products. For example, potatoes are in the competitive market because consumers can find a potato farm that offers them at the lowest market price, and they can produce however much they want or as much as they can profit from at the going rate. There are many options for buyers because, with the knowledge, there is a lower price so they can always observe to find the best price. Lets say a good/product is $10 at the market price and a firm produces 10 units per day. The total revenue for the day would be $100 ($10 x 10 = $100), but the marginal revenue with producing the eleventh unit per day would increase from $100 to $ 110 ( 11 x $10). However marginal cost do vary depending on the amount of goods produced. For example, a firm may increase input so marginal cost is equal to the market price. As long as the market price covers the variable cost there is incentive to stay in business, and possibly in the long run maximize profits (Jeffery Ely, 2012). So basically with a numerous amount of buyers and sellers in the market it creates competition and very little bargaining power for buyers and sellers. There are usually not many barriers that exist within competitive markets because the exit and entry levels are low. For example, even though the market for making cars competitive the upfront capitol cost are high, which can create difficulty entering, or getting started. In some cases an exit barrier may exist if a large amounts of money is tied up in firm.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Static Force Analysis In Screw Jack Engineering Essay

Static Force Analysis In Screw Jack Engineering Essay Static friction is friction between two solid objects that are not moving relative to each other. For example, static friction can prevent an object from sliding down a sloped surface. The coefficient of static friction, typically denoted as ÃŽÂ ¼s, is usually higher than the coefficient of kinetic friction. The static friction force must be overcome by an applied force before an object can move. The maximum possible friction force between two surfaces before sliding begins is the product of the coefficient of static friction and the normal force: . When there is no sliding occurring, the friction force can have any value from zero up to . Any force smaller than attempting to slide one surface over the other is opposed by a frictional force of equal magnitude and opposite direction. Any force larger than overcomes the force of static friction and causes sliding to occur. The instant sliding occurs, static friction is no longer applicable and kinetic friction becomes applicable. An example of static friction is the force that prevents a car wheel from slipping as it rolls on the ground. Even though the wheel is in motion, the patch of the tire in contact with the ground is stationary relative to the ground, so it is static rather than kinetic friction. The maximum value of static friction, when motion is impending, is sometimes referred to as limiting friction,although this term is not used universally. Screw jack All metallic constructions and a accurately machine cut screw with a pitch of 5 mm crrying a double flanged turn table of about 20 cm dia fitted on a heavy cast iron base and complete with two adjustable pulleys cord hooks without wts. Small size, experimental demonstration type model with an aluminum turned pulley of about 10 cm dia is fitted on a screw jack which is fitted on a 12cm dia metallic circular base with an adjustable pulley and a linear vertical scale, over all height is about 15 cms with out wts. A screw is a shaft with a helical groove formed on its surface. Its main uses are as a threaded fastener used to hold objects together, and as a simple machine used to translate torque into linear force. Screw thread mechanics There are always three major components in practical applications of the screw thread mechanism : the    screw a generic name applied to a setscrew, leadscrew, bolt, stud or other component equipped with an external thread, the    nut refers to any component whose internal thread engages the screw, such as the nut of a nut bolt or a large stationary casting with a tapped hole into which a stud is screwed, and the    thrust bearing that is the contact surface between two components which rotate with respect to one another. Examples of thrust bearings include : the under-surface of a screw head which is being tightened by a spanner; the spherical seating of a G-clamp screw in the stationary self-aligning anvil. A nut can spin and move freely along a screw without contacting another component, ie. without the need for any thrust bearing, but a thrust bearing comes into existence immediately contact occurs and the mechanism is put to practical use. Clearly there is relative motion in the thrust bearing, and also between the nut and the screw and where there is relative motion there is    friction. We now examine the role of friction since it dominates the behaviour of the mechanism unless special ( read expensive ) means are taken to minimise its effects. When considering friction it doesnt matter which component rotates and which is stationary its the    relative motion which is important. We shall therefore analyse the jack shown here to deduce the general effect of friction on screw thread behaviour. The jacks screw is fixed; the nut is rotated by a spanner and translates vertically. The thrust collars only motion is vertical translation as it is prevented from rotating by contact with the load, one corner only of which is pictured. Since there is relative rotation between contacting nut and collar, the contacting surface assumes the role of thrust bearing. The nut shown here in plan is in contact with three bodies : the spanner exerts the torque    T which tends to raise the load ( analogous to tightening a nut and bolt ) the screw thread which exerts the frictional torque    Tt , and the thrust bearing which exerts the frictional torque    Tb . We are interested in the tightening torque    T, and, if the nut is in equilibrium then ( i)             T    =    Tt + Tb                                                             from which we can evaluate    T once    Tt and    Tb are found individually. Consider the thrust bearing first. We shall assume that the contact surface of area    A is in the form of a narrow annulus of mean radius    rb on which the uniform pressure is    W/A, where    W is the load supported by the mechanism. If the coefficient of friction in the bearing is    ÃŽÂ ¼b then the torque exerted by the frictional force on an area element ÃŽÂ ´A is    ÃŽÂ ´Tb    =    ÃŽÂ ¼b ÃŽÂ ´N rb    =    ÃŽÂ ¼b rb ( W/A ) ÃŽÂ ´A. Integrating over all the contact area ( ii)          Tb    =    W ÃŽÂ ¼b rb Consider now the thread which is square, of mean radius    rm and lead angle    ÃŽÂ ». The nut engages the screw with friction coefficient    ÃŽÂ ¼ corresponding to a    friction angle à Ã¢â‚¬   = arctan ÃŽÂ ¼. The static and kinetic coefficients of friction are taken to be essentially equal for this preliminary analysis. We wish to find the torque    Tt which must be exerted on the nut to offset thread friction and maintain the load    W in equilibrium that is either static or moving at constant speed. A torque which tends to raise the load is reckoned positive; a negative torque is one which tends to lower the load. Threaded Fastener A screw used as a threaded fastener consists of a shaft, which may be cylindrical or conical, and a head. The shaft has a helical ridge or thread formed on it. The thread mates with a complementary helix in the material. The material may be manufactured with the mating helix, or the screw may create it when first driven in. The head is specially shaped to allow a screwdriver to grip the screw when driving it in. It also stops the screw from passing right through the material being fastened and provides compression. Screws can normally be removed and re-inserted without reducing their effectiveness. This may make them preferable in some applications to nails, which are frequently unusable after being removed. A screw that is tightened by turning it clockwise is said to have a right-hand thread. Screws with left-hand threads are used in exceptional cases, when the screw is subject to anticlockwise forces that might undo a right-hand thread. Mechanical Analysis A screw is a specialized application of the wedge or inclined plane. It contains a wedge, wound around an interior cylinder or shaft that either fits into a corresponding plane in a nut, or forms a corresponding plane in the wood or metal as it is inserted. The technical analysis (see also statics, dynamics) to determine the pitch, thread shape or cross section, coefficient of friction (static and dynamic), and holding power of the screw is very similar to that performed to predict wedge behavior. Wedges are discussed in the article on simple machines. Tensile Strength Screws and bolts are usually in tension when properly fitted. In most applications they are not designed to bear large shear forces. When, for example, two overlapping metal bars joined by a bolt are likely to be pulled apart longitudinally, the bolt must be tight enough that the friction between the two bars can overcome the longitudinal force. If the bars slip then the bolt may be sheared in half, or friction between the bars (called fretting) may weaken them. For this type of application, high-tensile steel bolts are used and these should be tightened with a torque wrench. High-tensile bolts are usually in the form of hexagonal cap screws with an ISO strength rating stamped on the head. The strength ratings most often used are 8.8 and 12.9. The number before the point is the ultimate tensile strength in N/mm2 (or MPa) divided by 100. This is the stress at which the bolt will fail, i.e. break in half. The number after the point is the yield strength as a percentage of the ultimate tensile strength, divided by 10. Yield strength is the stress at which the bolt will receive a permanent set (an elongation from which it will not recover when the force is removed) of 0.2%. Mild steel bolts have a 4.6 rating. High-tensile bolts have an 8.8 rating or above. Types of screw jack Cap screw: has a convex head, usually hexagonal, designed to be driven by a spanner or wrench. Wood screw: has a tapered shaft allowing it to penetrate unrolled wood. Machine screw: has a cylindrical shaft and fits into a nut or a tapped hole, a small bolt. Self-tapping screw: has a cylindrical shaft and a sharp thread that cuts its own hole, often used in sheet metal or plastic. Drywall screw: is a specialized self-tapping screw with a cylindrical shaft that has proved to have uses far beyond its original application. Set screw:- has no head, and is designed to be inserted flush with or below the surface of the workpiece. Dowel screw:-is a wood-screw with two pointed ends and no head, used for making hidden joints between two pieces of wood. Shapes of Screw Head (a) Pan (b) Button (c) Round (d) Truss (e) Flat (f) Oval Pan Head: disc with chamfered outer edge. Button or dome head: cylindrical with a rounded top. Round: dome-shaped, commonly used for machine screws. Truss: lower-profile dome designed to prevent tampering. Flat or Countersunk: conical, with flat outer face and tapering inner face allowing it to sink into the material, very common for wood screws. Oval: countersunk with a rounded top. Types of Screw Drive Modern screws employ a wide variety of drive designs, each requiring a different kind of tool to drive in or extract them. The most common screw drives are the slotted and Phillips; hex, Robertson, and torx are also common in some applications. More exotic screw drive types may be used in situations where tampering is undesirable, such as in electronic appliances that should not be serviced by the home repairperson. (a) Slotted, (b) Phillips, (c) Pozidriv, (d) Torx, (e) Hex, (f) Robertson, (g) Tri-Wing, (h) Torq-Set, (i) Spanner (a) Slot Head has a single slot, and is driven by a flat-bladed screwdriver. The slotted screw is common in woodworking applications, but is not often seen in applications where a power driver would be used, due to the tendency of a power driver to slip out of the head and potentially damage the surrounding material. (b) Cross-head or Phillips Screw has a +-shaped slot and is driven by a cross-head screwdriver, designed originally for use with mechanical screwing machines. The Phillips screw drive has slightly rounded corners in the tool recess, and was designed so the driver will slip out, or cam out, under strain to prevent over-tightening. (c) Pozidriv it is patented, similar to cross-head but designed not to slip, or cam out. It has four additional points of contact, and does not have the rounded corners that the Phillips screw drive has. Phillips screwdrivers will usually work in Pozidriv screws, but Pozidriv screwdrivers are likely to slip or tear out the screw head when used in Phillips screws. Pozidriv was jointly patented by the Phillips Screw Company and American Screw Company. (d) Torx:-is a star-shaped or splined bit with six rounded points. (e) Hexagonal or hex:- screw head has a hexagonal hole and is driven by a hexagonal wrench, sometimes called an Allen key, or by a power tool with a hexagonal bit. (f) Robertson :-drive head has a square hole and is driven by a special power-tool bit or screwdriver (this is a low-cost version of the hex head for domestic use). (g) Tri-Wing:- screws have a triangular slotted configuration, and are used by Nintendo on its Gameboys to discourage home repair. (h) Torq-Set:- is an uncommon screw drive that may be confused with Phillips; however, the four legs of the contact area are offset in this drive type. (i) Spanner:-drive uses two round holes opposite each other, and is designed to prevent tampering Engineering Mechanics: Force Analysis in Static It is said that a chain is as strong as its weakest link, so is true for a structure. For a structure or a truss to sustain load all its members should be able to stand force acting on them. For optimal design of a structure it is essential to know the forces in the members, compressible or tensile. Structures are made to support loads. Structure is an assembly of number of members arranged in certain manner. When load acts on a structure this load is distributed to the constituent members of the structure in different proportions. Members experiencing large forces can be made stronger, members experiencing less force can be made lighter and redundant members with no force to support can be removed altogether. Thus static force analysis of structures can help to build cost effective, light and strong structures. Static Force Analysis in Structures Force acting on a member of a structure can be compressible or tensile. For the purpose of force analysis a sign convention can be assigned to the forces. Tensile forces, acting outwards the members and having a tendency to extend the member, is assigned positive sign. The force acting inwards any member and tending to compress the member is called as compressive force and assigned negative sign. Although a sign convention opposite to this one can also be followed with equal validity but the same sign convention should be adhered to throughout the analysis of a structure. There are mainly two approaches for static force analysis in structures. One approach is to section the structure under consideration and find the unknown forces by balancing the forces. Other approach is based on the principle that net force at any joint or node for static structure is zero. In either of the approaches force calculation is started from the support points as it is easier to determine the forces at the support points and further calculation of forces in the members of the structure becomes easier after knowing the forces at supports. Section Approach In the Section Approach the structure under consideration is sectioned at certain part such that the number of unknown forces is not more than two, for two dimensional structures. Unknown forces are assigned variables and components of the forces are taken along and perpendicular to any one of the unknown forces. For each of the two directions force balance equations are framed and solved for the unknowns. The components of the forces can also be taken along any fixed coordinate axis. For three dimensional structures the section taken can have up to three unknown forces. Nodal Approach In the other approach, to find forces in the members of a structure, net force at any joint is set to zero. Any joint connecting two or more members can be called as a node. One by one different nodes are considered for force analysis. To start with such a node will be taken which has not more than two unknown forces. Unknown forces are determined by writing net forces along any set of orthogonal axes and equating them to zero. For a simple structure one of the two approaches may be sufficient to determine the forces in members. But for complex structures single force analysis approach can become cumbersome for force analysis, therefore, a tricky combination and use of the two approaches can simplify the static force analysis in structures.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Punishment Quote in The Scarlet Letter :: essays research papers

Punishment Quote “Only the man who has enough good in him to feel the justice of the penalty can be punished; the other can only be hurt.'; This is a very interesting quote, and depending what you make of it, it can be very confusing. To most people this quote might not mean anything, but you must read it and try to understand it. Though this quote can relate to a persons personality, it also might not relate to a person at all. All people are different and think differently than others. Almost everybody in the world has a different understanding of what is wrong and what is right, and also of what should be punished and what should not be punished.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The quote “Only the man who has enough good in him to feel the justice of the penalty can be punished; the others can only be hurt,'; may have many meanings to many different people. To me this quote means that if a person does not know or does not believe that what they have done to be punished is bad, then the punishment will mean nothing to them. If the person thinks that they did nothing wrong, and thinks there is no reason for them to be punished, then the punishment will mean nothing to them. The person will gain nothing, they will gain no knowledge from their act or their punishment. There are a lot of reasons why people do not understand the concept of punishment in the world. People think very differently from others, therefore, people will have different beliefs of what is right and what is wrong. A person might consider one thing to be a wrong action and the need to be punished, while another person thinks the opposite. They might think it is not wrong and there is no need for punishment. If actions are not dealt with correctly, punishment will be of no use. People will become out of control and there will be nothing but chaos in the world we live in.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This quote relates to the book, The Scarlet Letter, as well as all of its characters quite a bit. In fact the whole book, from what I have read, is mainly about punishment, while this quote is also about punishment. The main character of The Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne, must deal with a major punishment for her actions. Hester Prynne realizes that what she did was wrong and she accepted the punishment willingly, she even made and sewed the “A'; herself.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Animal Testing Essay -- Animal Testing

Animal Testing   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Using Animals for testing is wrong and should be banned. They should be entitled to the rights we have. Every day humans are using defenseless animals for cruel and most often useless tests. The animals cannot fight for themselves therefore we must. There should be stronger laws to protect them from laboratory experiments.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although private companies run most labs, experiments are often conducted by public organizations. The U.S. government, the Army and Air Force in particular, has designed and conducted many animal experiments. The experiments were engineered so that many animals would suffer and die without any certainty that this suffering and death would save a single life, or benefit humans in any way at all. An example of this is some tens of thousands of Beagles experimented with. In Albuquerque, New Mexico, 64 Beagles were forced to inhale radioactive Strontium 90 as part of a â€Å"Fission Product Inhalation Program† which has been paid for by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. In this experiment 26 dogs died. One of the deaths occurred during an epileptic seizure; another from brain hemorrhage. Other dogs, before death, became feverish and anemic, lost their appetites, and had hemorrhages. The experimenters compared their results to those experiments conducted at th e University of Utah and the Argonne National Laboratory in which beagles were injected with Strontium 90. They concluded that the...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Of Mice and Men alternative ending Essay

Lennie rushed off out of the barn, towards the forest, just as George had said he had to do. On reaching the forest edge Lennie decided to turn back for George, â€Å"what are you doing† said George, â€Å"go back and I’ll meet you in the forest†. Lennie slowly turned back to the forest in a state of confusion. Curley and Carlson turned up at the barn to see where George had gotten to. When George heard the fumbling of the barn door being opened he kneeled down next to Curley’s wife to give him the impression that he had just found her dead. Curley froze in horror when he saw her chilled body showing no signs of movement. He rushed over to her still form, pushed George aside, and checked for any signs of life. When he realized that there was no life left in her, he bowed his head and began to cry. â€Å"Who did this† said Curley in a calm voice. â€Å"I’m not sure, I came in and†¦ † George was interrupted by Curley. â€Å"It was your friend†¦ Lennie? Wasn’t it? † â€Å"I don’t think you should be puttin’ the blame on people right now† replied George. â€Å"Get my gun! † yelled Curley to Carlson. Carlson left the barn to fetch the gun. â€Å"What are you going to do? † said George, full of fear. â€Å"I’m gonna’ shoot that son of a bitch right in the back of his head! † Carlson rushed back into the barn with a couple of guns in his hands. Curley hurriedly snatched a gun of him and dashed towards the forest. Lennie could hear all the shouting which made him curious. He slowly and quietly made his way through the forest, towards the location of the heightened voices. â€Å"There he is, get im'† said Curley when he saw Lennie’s head pop up out of the bushes. Curley and Carlson headed for the area where they had seen him. George, a couple of yards behind was sprinting to try and catch up. He had to stop them from killing Lennie! George heard gunshots and headed towards the noise. â€Å"No! † shouted George gasping for breath, â€Å"what have you done†. â€Å"You were both in on this weren’t you? you both planned to kill her and get away, you murderous bastards! † â€Å"What are you talking about Curley, we didn’t plan this† said George in panic. Were they going to kill him too? Curley raised the gun to George’s head. â€Å"Can’t you see that George didn’t do it, put the gun down† said Carlson. Curley stared into the petrified eyes of George for a short moment of time, then took a deep breath and pulled the trigger. â€Å"What the hell is wrong with you? † said Carlson in shock, his feet rooted to the ground. Curley turned back towards the barn. â€Å"Curley† yelled Carlson †¦.. â€Å"Curley†.