Tuesday, October 1, 2019

marketing Essay -- essays research papers

Race and Racism   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Race and racism have been around since mankind made its first steps on the planet and it has brought upon violence, submissiveness, cruelty, and sexism into the world. A great representation of these themes and issues was brought by LeRoi Jones, who wrote â€Å"The Dutchman†. The play itself is a great representation of the relationships of races in America during the 60’s and can even been connected to today’s society. The Dutchman mainly focuses on the black-white relationship but can also be drawn to other cultures and races. I, myself, can also relate to what LeRoi Jones wrote in one way or another. Being a different culture and not being accepted was the first faà §ade of America that I got to experience and even though things have changed for me, I do have resentful feelings because some things just do not seem to change. LeRoi Jones made that clear because he wrote a play that can be related to events that are still happening today.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Dutchman is a fast paced play that makes an amazing transition from scene one to scene two. After doing some reading online, it has been said that the play actually resembles the version of the Adam and Eve story, where a white, insane, smart, and seducing woman prepares to kill a naà ¯ve black man. Clay and Lula are the main characters on the train and they engage in an intriguing and mind twisting display of word play. The play wants to steer the audience into a revolutionary thought process by proposing the idea of not being afraid, oppressed, and fighting back. The audience or readers feel stupid through the first act because Lula plays mind games and tries to bait Clay. LeRoi Jones did this on purpose because he wanted the audience to feel suspicious and stupid. He succeeds in this because Lula throws so much at the reader in act one that it’s almost impossible to even comprehend what she is saying. Clay is a twenty-year-old black man. Clay is a typical bourgeois black male and he seems to be very predictable that Lola is actually able to tell his history just by the way he acts and dresses. Clay is at first attracted to Lula who begins to flirt with him and invites herself to the party. But Clay is rather shocked by Lula because she is violent and racist. Even as she is behaving like that, he tries to keep his composure and maintain a certain ... ...se this play to educate others just by having someone else read this. I read this and did not understand the meaning first but this does apply to today’s society. LeRoi Jones wants underrepresented groups to be heard, especially when being pressured to conform or change by the dominant culture. I think America is great. It has given me an opportunity to start a new life after leaving the war in Bosnia. I did not know of many things that have happened here. The irony of it all is the cornerstone of the American history is freedom and equality. Yet, it’s so hard to think of everyone as equals. I just have a hard time grasping why things can not change. I come from Europe and things there are different. Yes, there is a lot of fighting, especially in my area of the world, but people appreciate each other more than they do here in America. It will be a long time before America changes but its going to be a long journey simply because there are still ignorant people out there who will pass that ignorance on to their future generations. In my opinion, America should not be called a nation yet because it’s not even united on a level that is more important than anything else in the world.

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