Thursday, November 7, 2019

Slavik teen problem essays

Slavik teen problem essays Slavik teens are a big topic over TV and newspapers. They have been doing about every crime there could be done. Most of the Americans think that all people are the same and so they start disrespecting other slaviks. So, how do Russian and Ukrainian teens affect on reputation of Slaviks in California? Ill answer the question, but first some history of the Slaviks in America. The first Russians that came to America were fishermen that had known about the land for a long time. They have been told by the king to explore the land and build forts alongside the coast of California. Later on a ship came some soldiers to protect forts and some noblemen to govern the forts. During the Spanish expantion in the New World, the Spaniards decided that they dont need more neighbors. So, they decided to destroy the forts while there is not a lot. All but one (Fort Ross, off of highway 101) where destroyed. The first Ukrainians immigrated to America to run away from the Germans. About one fifth of all Ukrainian population dispersed to other countries to evade German ego. Ukrainians based in New York and mixed in with Russians eventually making one mix called Slaviks. And such the first slavik community was established, the first one in New York. Later to become the first mafia organization. During the Cold War not many slaviks came to America, they were all though as communist agents and spies. After the Cold War ended a big flow of immigrants came to America. People ran from the communist power and from Stalin horror. All the slaviks that came to America thought of it as a blessed land of beauty and fairness and money for all. Many of them were also Christian. This Christians based their lives to the word of God, and they taught their children the same, but not many of the children listened. Many of the teens dont listen to their parents and thats their number one problem, (Bruyako). I...

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