Monday, February 17, 2020

Art appreciation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Art appreciation - Essay Example This activity provided steady employment for many architects and sculptors who organized leading workshops in Greece, revolutionizing Greek classical art and architecture. The Parthenon, built by Menesicles and Ictinus, along with the Propylaea (the gateway with the finest paintings and sculpture of the Classical age) crowned the Athenian Acropolis. Other prominent works included The Panhellenic shrines, Delphi (oracle of Apollo) and Olympia (the shrine of Zeus). Delphi (460 BC) is the athlete offering libation of oil from patera (sacrificial bowl) in thanks for victory1. Ancient Greece produced some of the most exquisite sculptures the world has ever seen. The art reminiscence the freedom of movement, expression, and celebrates mankind as an independent entity. The great artisans of that period worked tirelessly to show the world what artistry could do for mankind. They replaced the strict asymmetry of figures with the free flowing form more true to life, through stone and bronze. The Greeks were fond of their history and most of the sculptures that adorned important government and other prominent buildings were those of the Kouros. Kouros statues dominated the archaic period of Greek Art. These statues were reminders of great Greek men and women who lived and died a popular figure. Most of these statues were stark reminders of those who died centuries ago and remain immortal through their artistic brilliance (, 2007). During the Classical period the charismatic smile that dominated so many archaic sculptures was replaced by a solemn facial expression. Sculptures which depicted violent and passionate scenes betrayed no expression, for the Greeks, their nobles were next to God, and it was their enemies (the barbarians) who were depicted with dramatic facial expressions (, 2007). This bronze

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