Monday, May 11, 2020

Introduction And Background Of A Project Management

Introduction Background Temporary organizations created for the sole purpose of delivering one or more business products according to an agreed upon business case are known as projects (Project Management Institute, 2013). Projects have likely existed as long as humans have been capable of basic thought; a hunting party for example could be considered a project. The party contains a group of hunters that engage in a temporary activity of hunting with the agreed upon purpose of capturing and returning food to benefit a larger population. The advancement of technology has long been linked to the need for formal structure within projects. Starting in the 1930’s project management began to become rationalized to support industrialized production (Hoon Kwak, 2003). In 1936 Sakichi Toyoda developed the concept of the Toyota Production System loosely based on Ford’s production model (Brief History of Lean, 2016). In 1943 the basic concepts of the traditional elements of project management were drafted in support of the Manhattan Project and later the F4 Phantom Project in the 1950’s (Hoon Kwak, 2003). In 1969, five volunteers with experience on the previous projects came together to found the Project Management Institute (Chumas, Hartman, 1975). In This method of clear and consistent approach continued to deliver great results for government agencies. In 1973, the majority of Japanese firms had begun to adopt lean manufacturing processes (Brief History of Lean, 2016). The UKShow MoreRelatedSample Resu me : Mavericks Scheduling Service Essay1038 Words   |  5 PagesDate: 09/12/2016 Inception Report For CSE - 4322 - 002 Project: Mavericks Scheduling Service UT-Arlington Project Manager: Narayan Rimal Table of Content I. INTRODUCTION A. Background and Context B. Project Summary C. Management D. Competitors and features E. Risk Management II. OVERVIEW A. Organization of work B. 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