Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Create Structures And Styles And Use Them Essay - 1860 Words

Create structures and styles and use them to produce websites KU 1.1 Please see initial design folder 1.2 The main law I was concerned with while creating the site was the copyright, Designs and Patents Act. To ensure the site was in line with this act with regards to images I created the Background of the logo myself using GIMP2 I then converted the background of a Lion rampant to Alpha so I could place this image on top of the background image. I am also covered by the creative commons to take and change an image found on the web. Since there was work completed on the image the final logo can be claimed as my own intellectual property. ST 1.1 Planning involved consideration of navigation method, colour scheme, logo design, favicon design, font choice and site name. Once these had been decided upon I started to gather resources for the project. The first thing that was obtained was the site font, this was found by going to google fonts and searching for stencil. A stencil font was chosen as the website is for booking and finding out about airsoft (a sport like paintball but using plastic pellets instead of paintballs) and therefore this font gave the site a military-esque feel relating back to the military theme. The next consideration to deal with was colour scheme originally a black and brick red colour scheme was chosen but later seeing the site using this scheme it was deemed too dark, I, therefore, opted for an off-white and red colour scheme as this lifted the pageShow MoreRelatedThe Tolo House Designed By Portuguese Architect Alvaro Leite Siza1234 Words   |  5 Pages$150,000 budget and took the concept of sta irs to a whole new level. Inspired by influences of the works such as Piranesi, Escher, and Wright he was inspired to use lighting and space to create a house much in the style of Fishburn, working not to stand out but rather to fit closely within its site, making the site almost a part of the structure which Siza designs. 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