Friday, July 26, 2019

IT601-0903B-07 Information Technology in Business Management - Phase 1 Essay

IT601-0903B-07 Information Technology in Business Management - Phase 1 Discussion Board - Essay Example This will assist in reduction of the variable and fixed costs (Sanders, 1982). The IS can also be used for the sales as well. For example, the website can have an order cart which could be used to take orders and also receive payments using a button. This would send out the shipping information to the warehouse and the order could be shipped immediately through courier. This would reduce the costs involved and will also provide the customers with an easy mode for the customers to place orders and also receive the deliveries (Drejer, 2002). Dan the sales head is not very comfortable with the use of new technology. It has also been noted that the use of the new PCs is very ineffective and the orders take as much as ten days to process. This is a very long period and is very ineffective. Also the website seems to be the only mode of communication with the customer. The website also lacks an internet link which can be used for the wholesale customers to speed up the delivery of the orders. The uses of information systems can help improve and help achieve organizational goals and also help reduce the fixed and variable costs. This will help in increasing the profitability of FYC as well. Also, the FYC requires a bettered supply chain management which can be gained through the IS. It could also allow for production control and inventory control and also help for the co – ordination of the stores as well. This could also speed up the process of the booking and deliveries as well. Also the IS could be used for the human resources functions and the financial functions as well (Treqoe, 1983). The hierarchy structure of FYC is very irregular and requires a lot of attention as well. Both Laura and Dan report to Donna. This leads to increased confusions among the marketing team and the marketing functions as well. There is also no or very less coordination among the brand management, sales, merchandising and

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